{"translation-revision-date":"2023-10-17 14:42:47+0000","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.9.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-draft-1df8cf14bcaf18ad6815.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"es","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"In order to use the AI-powered content drafting tool, you must agree to the terms of use. For more information, click on this link:":["Para utilizar la herramienta de redacci\u00f3n de contenido impulsada por IA, debe aceptar los t\u00e9rminos de uso. Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, haga clic en este enlace:"],"Accept":["Aceptar"],"Terms of Use":["T\u00e9rminos de uso"],"Service temporarily unavailable":["Servicio temporalmente no disponible"],"Discard":["Descartar"],"Try again":["Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo"],"AI Tools":["Herramientas de IA"],"Draft":["Borrador"],"Draft with AI":["Borrador con IA"],"Edit or review":["Editar o revisar"],"Insert below":["Insertar debajo"],"Replace selected block text":["Reemplazar el texto del bloque seleccionado"],"Ask AI to generate text":["Pide a la IA que genere texto"],"AI is writing...":["La IA est\u00e1 escribiendo..."],"Simplify language":["Simplificar el idioma"],"Make longer":["Alargar"],"Make shorter":["Hacer m\u00e1s corto"],"Fix spelling & grammar":["Corregir ortograf\u00eda y gram\u00e1tica"],"Improve writing":["Mejora la escritura"],"Job description\u2026":["Descripci\u00f3n del trabajo\u2026"],"Write a job description for":["Escribe una descripci\u00f3n de trabajo para"],"Pros and cons list\u2026":["Lista de pros y contras\u2026"],"Write a pros and cons list for":["Escribe una lista de pros y contras para"],"Press release\u2026":["Nota de prensa..."],"Write a press release for":["Escribe un comunicado de prensa para"],"Poem\u2026":["Poema\u2026"],"Write a poem about":["Escribe un poema sobre"],"Outline\u2026":["Esquema..."],"Write an outline for":["Escribe un esquema para"],"Write a blog post about":["Escribe una entrada de blog sobre"],"Blog post\u2026":["Entrada del blog\u2026"],"Submit":["Enviar"]}}} Contact – Adinath Tech Innovations



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